Vancouver ecoVillage Community Food Pantry

Our Community Food Pantry helps hospital out-patients
and those struggling with isolation.
All our food is donated by local food retailers, manufacturers, restaurants, caterers. We do not buy food.
We supply high-nutrition to our clients.
Fresh fruit and vegetables; high-protein foods for seniors and hospital out-patients with special dietary needs; quality dairy foods like almond milk, yogurt and cheeses; vegan products, nuts, eggs and fresh bakery goods; low-sugar and non-dairy substitutes for diabetics and those with allergies.
No funding from the government.
Our program is supported by community partners keen on reducing food-waste and at the same time giving back to their community. Their donations help us cover our costs such as insurance, transport, wages, refrigeration and warehousing.
For every $1 donated, we are able to deliver enough food for one meal.
Led by a Volunteer Board of committed business and community leaders, we are making a signficant social impact.
We support over 3000 low-income residents each week:

If you feel you are eligible, please download and fill out in FULL an application form and email it to programs@vanecovillage.com - please attach scanned copies of Govt. Issued ID for each person applying.
Food Waste in Canada
Canadians waste $31 billion of food every year, 47% wasted in the home*.
The primary contributor to consumer food waste is high expectations—demand for high-quality, aesthetically-pleasing food is a key factor behind the volume of food waste occurring among consumers.*
In North America, over 30 percent of fruits and vegetables are rejected by supermarkets because they aren't attractive enough for consumers.
*According to the Cut Waste, Grow Profit 2014 report.
Food Insecurity in Canada
32% of the people requiring food assistance are children.**
25% of food bank users are immigrants.**
16% of people in need of food assistance have income from recent or current employment.*
79,000 people each month access a food bank for the first time.*
Almost 40% of food bank clients have a diploma, degree or higher.**
On average, people in the city core who use food assistance programs do so for two years.**

*According to Food Banks Canada's Hunger Count 2015 report.
**According to Daily Bread Food Bank's Who's Hungry 2015 report.