A Ceremony of Holy Muttrimony
Furry ring bearers and four-legged flower girls have become a common trend with dog-loving brides and grooms and dogs are earning top supporting roles in weddings across the world. Dogs munch on snacks or specially prepared gourmet dog treats while donning bow-ties, flower collars, elegant leashes, doggy suits and tutus for the special occasion.
Snazzily dressed canines are wedding photography gold, and they are sure to please guests, but dogs are required to be calm and well-trained, and expert handlers are needed to care for them.
Bow-tie clad pups strutting down the aisle with Tiffany boxes strapped to their collars is the perfect way for dog-loving couples to share their joy with their guests. With more venues catering to dog-lovers’ wishes, it’s predicted that dogs will continue to steal the spotlight in wedding ceremonies everywhere.

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Our PET EVENTS focusing on Mental Health Wellness have proven that interacting with affectionate dogs can reduce stress and anxiety, improve mood, lower blood-pressure and even decrease the perception of pain. These petting sessions offer students and staff who are feeling stressed and overwhelmed, the opportunity to increase socialization through interaction with dogs and people in a relaxing setting.

Do you have a gentle well-behaved dog who loves people and is nice to other dogs? You may want to find out about joining our Therapy Dog Program. Check our Requirements to see if you are a right match and contact us. Let's see whether your dog would be suitable to work as a Therapy Dog providing love and comfort to people in need in your community!