Pooches I Meet in the West End

My name is Mark Janssen and I work in a pet store on Denman Street in the heart of Vancouver's West End. We all have our good days and bad, but mine are mostly good because my clients come in all shapes, sizes, colours, barks, grunts, mews and howls.

Work is never boring and there is always something I know is going to brighten my day. So let me introduce you to some of my favourite customers and hope they bring you a smile too.
The Howler (Zoe)
She gets so excited the moment she steps into the Pet store. She looks right at you and gives a heartfelt howl. Zoe likes treats of course, but she loves to walk through the store and say Hi to as many people as possible.
Sweet Lips ( La La)
La La is as sweet as they come. She loves to visit and here she is working behind the counter greeting customers. Good job La La.
One is Never Enough (Merlin)
Little Merlin just can't get enough treats. Despite weighing about 8 pounds, this little darling has the ability to drag his parent two blocks. Merlin is one determined fellow.

The What the Heck Pooches
They arrive before opening or after closing and hold a sit in. The store may not be open but persistence and determination get the reward, as some of our visitors know. We love our visitors and when we see a sad faced locked out and hoping they get a treat, well, we make sure we do our best to make them happy before going home.
The What the Heck Happened Pooches 2
The ones who visit the old Bosley's location on Davie Street, unaware we moved to Denman Street and will sit and lament at our old location. Oh, where did this store go to, I use to get the best treats in this spot.
The Fashion Pooches
One coat, or two, sometime a sweater under a raincoat, sometime two tee-shirts, we see the best dressed pooches.
The affectionate Ones
Sure they like a treats but they really came in to say hello, wag the tail and get rubs and cuddles from the staff.

The Shy Ones
The ones who are coming out of their shell, The rescues, we see many rescued dogs, some are very scared and after several visits to our shop they soon start to relax and get in on the cuddles like the other wonderful dogs we see.
Sidewalk Effects
I keep treats in my vest pocket at work, I'm always prepared! It's not uncommon for dogs who know me from the store to approach me on the street, and sometimes will make a beeline from across the street. I once entered Denman mall at one end, and on the other end of the mall, Kearra and her Pet Parent entered the mall. Kearra made a bee-line across the mall just to say hello.
We also get regular visits from cats, sometimes in pairs, Rats, Bunnies, and a pair of Bearded Dragons.
What did you think about these pet store pooches? We’d love to hear from you! Leave your comments below and let us know!

Canine psychologist Dr. Stanley Coren, author of numerous books and over 500 scientific publications on dog psychology, encourages others to participate in our petting events. Also read about the research on the impact our therapy dogs are making at the University of British Columbia.

Do you have a gentle well-behaved dog who loves people and is nice to other dogs? You may want to find out about joining our Therapy Dog Program. Check our Requirements to see if you are a right match and contact us. Let's see whether your dog would be suitable to work as a Therapy Dog providing love and comfort to people in need in your community!